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King of Dagbon, Northen Ghana , West
His. Royal Majesty Yaa Naa Abubakari ,II

The Queen Mother of Mpasaaso No.1
Gladys Darko Nana Konama
Danpon III Agbale

Omanhen of Esikado
(British Sekondi)
Traditional Area.
Nana Kobina Nketsia V

Queen mother of
Fankyenebra - Atwima Boaso
Nana Akua Afriyie Owoabrempong

Chief of Dodowa
Nene Okukrubuor Teye Kwasi Agyemang V Dance

Otumfuor krakesehene /Atwima-Didahene
Nana Opoku Kwarteng III
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