ARF Repatriation Program:

Background: The tragic transatlantic slave trade forcibly transported millions of Africans to the Western Hemisphere under extremely horrific conditions nearly 500 years ago. After the abolition of slavery, descendants of the survivors persevered and established themselves in their new homes, where they significantly contributed to various aspects of development. This bond has created an everlasting social and racial connection between the United States, Africa, and the Caribbean Islands. Despite the continental divide, African descendants in the diaspora long to return to their ancestors' homeland where they belong. For many survivors of the inhuman transatlantic slave trade, a trip to Africa is a pilgrimage, hence, the ARF Repatriation Program is dedicated to fulfilling this mission of the return of our siblings to their ancestors' homeland.
Program Highlights: The ARF Repatriation Program is deeply rooted in the principles championed by the Honorable Garvey, including his famous quotes "African at home and African abroad" and "A man without the knowledge of his history is like a tree without roots." These words serve as guiding lights for our mission to aid descendants of the survivors of the tragic Transatlantic Slave Trade in their journey back to their ancestor’s homeland.
Our aim is to aid our siblings from the African diaspora in their journey home, particularly descendants of the survivors of the tragic transatlantic slave trade, ensuring their safety and dignity throughout the process. Embracing Garvey's ideals, we advocate for visa-free access and land ownership rights for all people of African descent in any African nation.
Our program offers a comprehensive range of services to support those seeking repatriation:
Consultation: Personalized guidance and support tailored to the individual needs of each repatriate.
Immigration Aid: Navigating the complex legal processes involved in moving to Africa.
Employment Support: Providing resources and connections to help find employment opportunities upon arrival.
Housing Aid: Assisting in securing suitable housing arrangements in the chosen destination.
Cultural Sensitivity Training: Equipping our siblings with the knowledge and understanding necessary to navigate cultural differences and adapt to their pristine environment.
6.Business Registration and Compliance Aid: Providing guidance and support for those looking to set up businesses in their ancestors' homelands, including navigating legal barriers and registration processes.
Join us in our mission to support repatriation and empower the African diaspora. Registration for the program will commence on September 1, 2024. For more information and to get involved, please contact us at [info@africanrenaissancefoundation.org]. Together, let's create a future where everyone can thrive and contribute to the rich tapestry of our society.